Einladung zum Tanz.
Lebt aktiv und gewinnt neue Freunde.

Dear dancing friends,

Our "Join Promenáda Karlovy Vary" club does not have regular clubnights. The reason is that we have too few members. Therefore, we only organize the so called "OCCASIONALS". However, their dates depend on an arrangement with you and on several conditions!!!

  1. The most important condition is that there must be ten dancers or more of you coming!
  2. We need to know about your planned visit at least 6 weeks in advance because we have to arrange the dance room and a caller.

Our "Occasional" is not a clubnight but a whole club-afternoon!!! Dancers usually visit our beautiful spa city of Karlovy Vary.

They take a walk in the city on Friday afternoon and on Saturday morning. After the lunch, usually from 1:30 PM (based on our arrangement), the square dance begins. Again, we dance based on our arrangement but at least until 6 PM. There is a coffee break between 3:30 PM and 4 PM.

On behalf of the Join Promenáda club

                  Hanka Schimmová, the club president

Wir empfangen gerne neue Tanzpaare aber auch Einzelne, an dem Alter weder Begabung kommt es nicht an, denn alles nötige bringen wir Ihnen bei. Erforderlich sind nur geeignete Kleidung und Schuhe die die Tanzfläche nicht vernichten und selbstverständlich die gute Laune und Lust etwas Neues zu lernen. -->