The objective of the Plus Program Definitions is to provide clear, concise, simple explanations of the terms and calls used in the Plus Program.
Starting formations are listed for each of the defined calls. They are the most commonly occurring starting formations for the calls in use at the time these definitions were approved, but they are not necessarily the only possible starting formations, given the dynamic nature of the Square Dance Activity.
Facing dancers, unless otherwise specified, may be any combination of men and women.
Couples, unless otherwise specified, may be any combination of men and women.
Whenever two dancers are walking toward each other and are about to collide, they pass right shoulders and continue.
Whenever two dancers are walking toward each other and are required to occupy the same position, they join right-hands in a mini-wave sharing that position.
Some calls, which normally start from Ocean Waves, can also be done when dancers are in facing couples (e.g., All 8 Spin the Top, Grand Swing Thru, Relay the Deucey, Spin Chain the Gears). In this case, the dancers first step into a momentary right-hand Ocean Wave and complete the call unless the caller specifically directs a left-hand call (e.g., Left Relay the Deucey), in which case the dancers step into a momentary left-hand Ocean Wave and complete the call.
The following calls cannot be done from facing couples; that is, a mini-wave or ocean wave (as stated in each call's definition) is required as a starting formation: Explode The Wave, Explode and ... (anything), Follow Your Neighbor, Ping Pong Circulate, Trade The Wave.
Some calls that normally start from facing couples (or facing lines) can be done when the dancers are in an ocean wave (or a tidal wave (e.g., Load the Boat)). In this case, the dancers have already stepped forward toward each other and are ready to complete the remaining action of the directed call. For the sake of dancer comprehension and teaching purposes, it may be necessary initially to have the dancers back up into facing couples (or facing lines), then step back into the wave (or tidal wave) and complete the call.
ACEY DEUCEY: Starting formation - parallel waves and two-faced lines. Other formations which meet the following conditions are also acceptable: Must be able to identify 4 centers and 4 ends (or outsides). Centers must be able to trade within in adjacent pairs of 2. Ends (or outsides) must be able to Circulate and not become centers.
Center 4 Trade, while the others Circulate.
ALL 8 SPIN THE TOP: Starting formation: Wrong Way Thar, Right & Left Grand Circle and Thar Star.
If started from a Thar Star, the handholds forming the center star are released as each center dancer and the adjacent outside dancer Arm Turn one-half (180°). Those now in the middle Star three-quarters (walking forward), while the new outsides move forward one-quarter around the perimeter of the circle to join hands with the same person again in a Thar Star formation.
If started from a Right & Left Grand Circle, everyone turns by the right halfway (180°) with the person they are facing, then completes the call as above (new centers Star left three-quarters, etc.)
STYLING: The initial arm turn one half (180°) is a forearm turn. The star portion is performed using standard star styling utilizing palm star hand positioning. Outside dancers moving forward have hands in natural dance position, ready to assume appropriate position for the next call. Ladies may use skirt work.
(ANYTHING) & ROLL: Starting formation: Various.
The term "... & Roll" may be added to any call which, by definition, causes one or more dancers to have turning body flow to the right or left as they complete their portion of the call. It is an instruction to those dancer(s) to turn individually, in place, one quarter (90 degrees) more in the direction of body flow determined by the preceding command.
Note that if "... and Roll" is added to a call, which by definition, has some dancers walking in a straight line at the completion of their portion of the call, those dancers will do nothing for the "... and Roll".
STYLING: At the completion of the movement preceding the roll (anything), release all handholds and allow the established momentum to set the direction for the solo turn in place. Arms are returned to natural dance position and ready to assume appropriate position for the next call.
(ANYTHING) & SPREAD: Starting formation: Various.
This call can be used in three ways:
(1) If only some of the dancers are directed to Spread (e.g., from a static square, Heads Star Thru & Spread), they slide apart sideways to become ends, as the inactive dancers step forward between them.
(2) If the (Anything) call finishes in lines or waves (e.g., Follow Your Neighbor), the centers anticipate the Spread action by sliding apart sideways to become the new ends, while the original ends anticipate the Spread action by moving into the nearest center position.
(3) If the (Anything) call finishes in tandem couples (e.g., Wheel & Deal from a line of four), the lead dancers slide apart sideways, while the trailing dancers step forward between them.
STYLING: All dancers blend into the appropriate hand position and styling designated by the formation resulting at the conclusion of the call (e.g., ocean wave styling after the call "Follow Your Neighbor and Spread").
CHASE RIGHT: Starting formation: Two Couples Back-to-Back.
Each right-hand dancer does an exaggerated Zoom action, moving into the position previously occupied by the right-hand dancer behind him, to finish facing in the same direction as when he started the Zoom action. (The net result is the same as if the right-hand dancer had done a right face U Turn Back & Box Circulate twice). The left-hand dancer follows ("Chases") the right-hand dancer by doing a Box Circulate two positions. The call finishes in a Box Circulate formation.
STYLING: All dancers have arms in natural dance position. Ladies' skirt work optional. Right hand dancer uses flowing motion rather than an abrupt turn around. When two couples (e.g., the heads) do chase right in the center of the square, it is important for those doing the zoom motion to keep the action tight and avoid bumping into the outside dancers. At the same time, those, not involved in the Chase Right, move, if possible and comfortable, away from the center to allow more space for the action.
COORDINATE: Starting formation: Columns.
All dancers Circulate once and a half. The center six (three adjacent pairs) Trade (turn 180). The very center two dancers release handholds and walk diagonally outward to the end of the forming lines. The two lonesome dancers walk ahead, moving in a quarter circle, to become the other ends of the forming lines.
STYLING: The center six dancers (three adjacent pairs) use hands up position for trading action. After the very center two dancers release handholds and move forward, all dancers join hands with a couple handhold. No time allowed for skirt work.
CROSSFIRE: Starting formation: Two faced line, Parallel lines of four, Inverted Line(s).
As the centers begin to Trade, the ends Cross Fold. Upon completing their Trade, the centers release hands and step straight forward forming an ocean wave or mini-wave with the dancers they are facing. If the Trade leaves the original centers facing no one, they step forward and remain facing out.
STYLING: If starting formation is a two-faced line, center dancers use hands up position for trading action and blend into normal mini wave styling. If starting formation is parallel lines of four that results in centers facing no one, that couple joins hands with a couple handhold.
CUT THE DIAMOND: Starting Formation: Any Diamond.
The centers of the diamond do a Diamond Circulate to the next position in their diamond, while the points slide together and Trade. Ends in a line or wave.
STYLING: From a normal diamond formation, all dancers blend into a couple handhold. If the starting formation is a facing diamond, all dancers blend into hands up position as required for ocean wave basic.
DIAMOND CIRCULATE: Starting formation: Any Diamond.
Each dancer moves forward to the next position in his diamond, changing his original facing direction one-quarter (90°) toward the center of the diamond. Points become centers, and vice versa. If the call is directed to facing diamonds, all must pass right shoulders.
STYLING: It is important that dancers maintain diamond formation as they move diagonally from one position to the next. Center dancers of diamond blend into hands up position as in ocean wave. Dancers at the points maintain arms in natural dance position. Ladies may utilize skirt work.
DIXIE GRAND: Starting formation: Dixie Grand Circle, Double Pass Thru, Quarter Tag, or any formation where at least two dancers can start.
Those who can start the call by joining right hands with the facing dancer and pulling by. Each dancer moves ahead around the circle and gives a left hand to the next, pulling by, and a right hand to the next, pulling by. Regardless of the starting formation, as the movement progresses, the formation converts to a circle.
STYLING: Styling is similar to the description for the basic right and left grand. Dancers use handshake hold for alternating pull by movements, releasing hands as dancers pass each other. Skirt work is not recommended.
EXPLODE AND ... (Anything) (From waves only): Starting formation: Any 4-dancer ocean wave.
Everyone releases handholds, steps forward and turns a quarter in (90°) to face the adjacent dancer, and does the (Anything) call (e.g., Right & Left Thru, Star Thru, etc.).
STYLING: In all "Explode and . . . " figures, follow the styling suggestions for each of the "and . . . " figures used.
TIMING: 2 for the explode portion
EXPLODE THE WAVE (From waves only): Starting formation: Any 4-dancer ocean wave.
Everyone releases handholds, steps forward and turns a quarter in (90°) to face the adjacent dancer, and right hand pull by that person, to end as couples back-to-back.
STYLING: A handshake hold is used as the dancers right hand pull by. For position orientation, hands are joined in a couple handhold at the completion of the call.
EXTEND: Starting formation: Double Pass Thru, Parallel Ocean Waves (1/2 Tag), any Tag (1/4 or 3/4) formation.
All dancers release handholds (if necessary), step forward and form an ocean wave with the couple they are facing. If the Extend leaves dancers facing no one, they remain facing out. If the starting formation is right-handed, dancers Extend to a right-handed formation; if the starting formation is left-handed, dancers Extend to a left-handed formation. From a Double Pass Thru formation, dancers Extend to a right-hand Quarter Tag formation. From a Quarter Tag formation, dancers Extend to parallel waves. From parallel waves, dancers Extend to a 3/4 Tag formation, from a 3/4 Tag formation, dancers Extend to a completed Double Pass Thru formation.
STYLING: All dancers move forward smoothly during extending action. Dancers utilize previously described styling for resulting formations at the completion of the call (e.g., ocean wave styling, couple handhold for double pass thru formation, etc.)
FAN THE TOP: Starting formation - ocean wave or two-faced lines.
The centers of the line or wave turn three quarters (270°) while the outside dancers move forward in a quarter circle. The ending formation is at right angles to the starting formation. Centers remain centers and ends remain ends.
STYLING: Center dancers use hands-up position and styling similar to that of swing thru. End dancers' arms are in natural dance position and hands are ready to assume appropriate position for the next call.
FLIP THE DIAMOND: Starting formation: Any Diamond.
The centers of the diamond do a Diamond Circulate to the next position in their diamond, while the points Run ("Flip" 180°) into the nearest center position and join hands to become the centers of the forming wave or line. When "flipping" a facing diamond, the points always take the inside path, and the centers always take the outside path.
STYLING: From a normal diamond formation, all dancers blend into hands up position as required for ocean wave basic. If the starting formation is a facing diamond, all dancers blend into a couple handhold.
FOLLOW YOUR NEIGHBOR: Starting formation: Box Circulate.
Dancers facing in release hands with the person next to them (their "neighbor") and step straight forward, join adjacent forearms with the one they meet, and turn three-quarters (270°) to become centers of a new wave. At the same time, the dancers facing out follow their "neighbors" by moving forward in a three-quarter looping turn (270°), turning towards their "neighbor" to finish adjacent to their "neighbor" as the ends of the new ocean wave.
When done from right-hand boxes, the dancers facing in turn by the right hand and the dancers facing out loop around right-face, to finish in a left-hand ocean wave. When done from left-hand boxes, the dancers facing in turn by the left-hand and the dancers facing out loop around left-face, to finish in a right-hand ocean wave.
STYLING: The facing in dancers use a forearm turn in the center, blending into hands up position as they meet their "neighbor" in the ocean wave. To enhance the flowing action of the dance, facing out dancers execute a flowing three quarter looping turn as opposed to an abrupt spot turn.
GRAND SWING THRU: Starting formation: Tidal Wave, Ocean Wave of Six Dancers.
Those who can turn by the right one-half (180°), then those who can turn by the left one-half (180°). If "right" is not specified preceding the command to Grand Swing Thru, it is understood to be a right-handed Grand Swing Thru. If Grand Left Swing Thru is required, it must be specifically directed - "Grand Left Swing Thru", in which case, those who can turn by the left one-half (180°), then those who can turn by the right one-half (180°).
STYLING: Styling is specifically the same as described for the basic swing thru.
LINEAR CYCLE (from waves only for the Plus Program): Starting formation: Parallel Ocean Waves or Four (4) Dancer Waves to be either right or left-handed.
(For programs other than Plus, allowable formations include any formation in which the end and adjacent center can single or partner hinge. This is a three part call.)
Part 1. The ends and adjacent centers hinge.
Part 2. Those facing out fold behind those facing in and all dancers will then move forward in a Double Pass Thru action.
Part 3. If the hinge is right-handed, peel right; if the hinge is left-handed, peel left to end as facing couples.
From a right-hand hinge, all will pass right shoulders. From a left-hand hinge, all will pass left shoulders.
An added note just for information from beyond the Plus Program -- From any inverted lines or some three in one lines, the passing rule shall prevail. (Not applicable in the Plus Program.)
STYLING: Arms in natural dance position. Similar to styling for individual components. Rejoin hands upon completion of move.
TIMING: 10-12.
LOAD THE BOAT: Starting formation: Lines of four, with centers facing in, and the ends of each line facing the same (in or out) direction.
The end dancers move forward around the outside, passing right shoulders with three moving end dancers, and turn one-quarter in (90°) to stand beside the third person passed, facing the center of the set as a couple. Simultaneously, the center four dancers Pass Thru, turn their backs to their momentary partners, Partner Trade with their new partners, and Pass Thru.
STYLING: The end dancers, while moving on the outside, leave enough room for the center dancers to work comfortably. Arms are held in natural dance position throughout the action, blending into the appropriate hand position for the next call.
PEEL OFF: Starting formation - Tandem Couples, Box Circulate, or Z formation.
Lead dancers walk in an approximate semicircle, away from the center of the starting formation, to become the ends of a four-dancer line. Trailing dancers step forward as necessary to become centers of the same line and U Turn Back, turning away from the center of the starting formation. All dancers end in a four-dancer line. Each dancer will have turned half (180 degrees) to end facing the opposite direction from which they started. Peel Off from Tandem Couples ends in a One-Faced Line. Peel Off from Box Circulate or a Z ends in a Two-Faced Line.
Notes: Everyone can Roll after a Peel Off. Dancers move in a smooth, continuous motion that cannot be fractionalized. The center of the ending formation is the same as the center of the starting formation.
Two dancers who form a Tandem and have a center to work away from can Peel Off as if in a box circulate formation (e.g., the ends of waves or the points of diamonds). They finish as a couple on a line midway between the original lead and trailing positions.
STYLING: Arms should be held in natural dance position and ready to assume appropriate position for the next call. It is important that lead dancers move slightly forward before starting the "peeling" motion.
PEEL THE TOP: Starting formation: box circulate or Z-Formation.
The lead dancers Peel Off as the trailing dancers step straight forward and take adjacent hands; everyone then does a Fan the Top.
STYLING: Lead dancers have arms in natural dance position and adjust hands to appropriate position for next call. It is important that dancers move slightly forward before starting the "peeling" motion. Trailing dancers use hands up position and styling as described in the basic Swing Thru.
PING PONG CIRCULATE: Starting formation: Quarter Tag.
The movement starts and ends in a Quarter Tag formation. Each dancer Circulates, or moves forward one position along the path shown in Figure 1. The movement may also be called when there is a left-hand wave in the center. In this case, the path circulated along is as shown in Figure 2.
It should be noted that the Circulate paths are independent of each other. Therefore, it is possible for only those on the outside path (dancers numbered 1, 2, 3, 4 in Figures 1 & 2) to Ping Pong Circulate or only those on the inside path (dancers numbered 5, 6, 7, & 8 in Figures 1 & 2) to Ping Pong Circulate.
RELAY THE DEUCEY: Starting formation: Parallel Ocean Waves.
All Circulates in this definition refer to the Original Circulate path established by the ends of the original ocean waves. No dancer ever stops moving during this call; the pauses written into the definition (i.e., the action described as "half-circulate") are there for clarity of description and for teaching purposes only.
Each end and the adjacent center dancer turn one-half (180°). The new centers of each ocean wave turn three-quarters (270°), while the others half-circulate, forming a six-person wave and two lonesome dancers. The wave of six, working as 3 pairs, turns 1/2, while the others half-circulate. In the wave, the center 4 turn 1/2, while the other four dancers half-circulate. The wave of 6, again working as 3 pairs, turns 1/2, while the others half-circulate. Finally, the center 4 of the wave turn 3/4 (becoming the centers of the new waves), while the outside 4 half-circulate to become the ends of the final waves.
STYLING: Basic swing thru styling is utilized for turning movements within the ocean wave formations. Circulating dancers do the circulate action with arms in natural dance position, blending to hands up ocean wave formation at the conclusion of the call.
SINGLE CIRCLE TO A WAVE: Starting formation: Facing dancers.
Facing dancers join both hands with each other and Circle Left halfway. Without stopping, they drop hands with each other and individually Veer Left, blending into a right-hand mini-wave. If the caller directs "Single Circle 3/4 to a Wave", facing dancers join both hands with each other and Circle Left 3/4, then continue to execute the rest of the call as above.
STYLING: In circling, the two dancers are slightly offset to the left so that their dance partner in the circle is more to their right than in front of them. Use smooth dance step, not buzz. When joining hands for circle, gents turn palms up, ladies palms down. Arms are bent comfortably at the elbows. Exert a small amount of pressure while circling. Blend into a hands up ocean wave position.
SPIN CHAIN & EXCHANGE THE GEARS: Starting formation: Ocean Waves (right-hand, for ease of description)
Start as in a normal Spin Chain the Gears - Ends and adjacent centers turn 1/2, new centers turn 3/4, while the ends U-Turn Back, and the very two centers of the wave Trade. All form two left-hand stars (but before turning them, the out-facing point should raise a hand, indicating "follow me" -- they will be the "leaders of the exchange") and turn the stars 3/4. The "leaders of the exchange" will now lead the star out to the right, around the outside of the other star, like an S pattern, then into a momentary column of four, single file through the sides position. The first three dancers in the momentary column Quarter right-face, as the fourth dancer does a Quarter left-face, and the original "leader of the exchange" runs right, forming two parallel right-hand ocean waves (at the sides of the square, if started from a Box 1-4).
STYLING: Same as in Spin Chain The Gears.
SPIN CHAIN THE GEARS: Starting formation: Parallel Ocean Waves.
Each end and the adjacent center dancer turn one-half (180°). The new centers of each ocean wave turn three-quarters (270°) to form a new ocean wave across the set, as the other four dancers do a U Turn Back (turning in toward the center). The centers of the wave Trade and then release hands with each other. Four dancers on each side of the square now form a four-hand star and turn the star three-quarters, forming a new wave across the set. Centers of this wave Trade momentarily reforming the wave across the set. The two outside pairs of dancers of the center wave now turn three-quarters (270°) as the other four dancers turn back (turning away from the center).
STYLING: Dancers turning in ocean wave formations use styling as previously described for the basics swing thru and spin chain thru. For star portions of basic, refer to styling as indicated by the basic star right. When turning into the star or out to the wave, use a flowing turn rather than an abrupt about-face. In star patterns, ladies' outside hands may be used to work skirts.
TEACUP CHAIN: Starting formation: Static Square, or proceeding from everyone doing a Left Arm Turn with partner.
The caller will specify two ladies to move to the center at the start of the call, e.g., "Head ladies center for a Teacup Chain". For the rest of the definition, these two ladies will be called the "specified ladies".
The specified ladies (both Head ladies or both Side ladies) move to the center and Star Right three-quarters to meet their corners for a Left Arm Turn. At the same time, the other two ladies move to the right around the perimeter of the square to their corners, and do a Right Arm Turn.
Following the Arm Turns, the specified ladies move around the perimeter of the square to their new corners for a Right Arm Turn, while the other ladies go to the center and Star Left once and a quarter to meet their new corners for a Right Arm Turn.
The specified ladies then move to the center and Star Left once and a quarter to their new corners for a Right Arm Turn, while the other ladies move to their new corners (around the perimeter of the square) for a Left Arm Turn.
Finally, the specified ladies move to their new corners (their original partners) for either a Courtesy Turn or a Left Arm Turn leading into the next command, while the other ladies move to the center and Star Right three-quarters to meet their new corners (their original partners) for either a Courtesy Turn or a Left Arm Turn leading into the next command. Everyone finishes with his/her original partner.
If the caller desires the men to execute the ladies part and vice versa, as described above, the starting formation is a Static Square with all couples half-sashayed, or proceeding from everyone doing a Left Arm Turn with their partner. The proper call is the "Head/Side Men Center for a Teacup Chain".
STYLING: Center dancers turning in star patterns use hands up styling. All turns with outside dancers are forearm turns. When not leading into another command, a courtesy turn, as previously described, is used at the conclusion of the call. Outside dancers (usually the gents) dance with arms swinging naturally from one forearm turn to the next, being as graceful as possible in a movement that offers little other than pivot movements. Ladies may enhance the styling of this basic through skirt work with outside hand.
3/4 TAG THE LINE -Starting formation: Parallel Lines of Four, Inverted Line(s), Two Faced Line(s), 3 & 1 Line(s).
Each dancer turns individually to face the center of the line and walks forward passing right shoulders with oncoming dancers. Lead dancers pass by two dancers and end facing out. Trailing dancers pass by one dancer and step to a right-hand Ocean Wave in the center of the set. Ends in a 3/4 Tag formation. If the call is done from any single line of four, it ends with a mini-wave between two out-facing dancers.
STYLING: Styling is similar to that previously described for the basic tag the line. Trailing dancers blend into hands up position for ocean wave or mini wave as dictated by starting formation.
TRACK II: Starting formation: Completed Double Pass Thru.
The dancers work in "tandem", that is, the trailing dancers follow the lead dancers. Those in the right "track" move single file to the left, counter-clockwise, staying to the inside of the dancers on the left "track", who move single file, clockwise, to the right on the outside. The movement continues as in a Double Pass Thru, until the dancers have reached parallel right-hand ocean waves.
STYLING: As dancers are moving simultaneously in opposing directions, it is important for them to provide moving room for one another. Those on the outside must avoid crowding those in the center. All dancers hold arms in natural dance position, blending into a hands up ocean wave formation at the conclusion of the call.
TRADE THE WAVE: Starting formation: Any four-dancer ocean wave.
Dancers facing the same direction in the wave Trade with each other. Right-hand waves become left-hand waves and vice versa. Ends of the wave become centers and vice versa.
STYLING: As in any trade, dancers first step slightly forward to clear the wave before turning toward dancer with whom they are trading. Assume hands up position in basic ocean wave styling.